Payer Contracting
Payers will try to get you as cheap as possible
MCR Evaluates your practice based on location, possible patient base within a plan, your competition and specialty i.e. Mohs. We also research the demographics and population within your area. This information helps us understand if you are in a metropolitan , rural or under-served area. All can be a contributor to getting a better rate.
Payers look at this information too, although they may still offer their lowest fee schedule, they know how many enrollees they have in a specific area. Payers want to provide their enrollees with options, the more options the more enrollees, with more enrollees the more revenue the payers make. Each piece of information helps us sell you to the payers at the best possible rate. Once locked into a contract it could take 1-2 years, with a small window of opportunity, to re-negotiate your rate.
Contracting and re-contracting is an inclusive feature with MCR